Good Afternoon Everyone:
Today I would like to begin my comments by extending my condolences to the family and friends of David Flint. David actually passed away in October of last year. But his family made the decision to hold off on a remembrance gathering due to the pandemic. That celebration of life was held on August 11th of this year and I was deeply honored to be invited. David was a brilliant attorney and a good man with a wonderful sense of humor. He could really crack me up. David embraced my efforts to get to this position very early when nobody really knew who I was. Indeed, I have a multitude of faults. But, ingratitude is usually not one of them. And I will always be grateful for his support. One of the speakers at the event said that David had the ability to hear and love people who were not like him. If only there was more of that going around. Another speaker described him as a man of humility, empathy, loyalty, and honesty, which are all excellent qualities to emulate. His large presence is surely missed. May David Flint rest in peace.
It was great to see so many people participating in the Clarkston Health Fair on August 21st. I want to thank all the sponsors for lending their time and talent to the event. Hopefully, a lot of folks were benefited by the resources that were available.
Later that day I was honored to join my friend Stone Mountain City Council member Shawnette Bryant in support of her Back-to-School event in the Rockborough Subdivision in which free school supplies were distribution to kids in the community. I commend Councilwomen Bryant for her efforts on this front and thank her for the invitation to drop by.
I also want to announce that District 4 will be holding our 3rd Veterans Resource Expo on September 11. Last year’s event was cancelled due to the pandemic. And candidly the Delta Variant is giving me some pause about proceeding with this year’s event. Currently, the plan is for a mostly outside event. Therefore, as a now we are moving forward as planned. If that changes, I will let you all know. Addition details will be available across our communications platforms.
If you need any information or assistance you may call my office at 404-371-4749 or visit my website at l will close today by once
again thanking the citizens of District 4 for affording me this opportunity to serve. It is indeed an honor.
