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Closing Comments from the February 28, 2023 BOC Meeting

Good afternoon, everyone:

On February 16 it was great to join my good friend, Pine Lake Mayor Melanie Hammet as her guest for the Georgia Podiatric Medical Association Presidential Ball at the Georgia Aquarium. It was a wonderful event and I always enjoy seeing the beluga whales do their thing. It was also a great pleasure to meet Association President, Dr. Adrianne Ross who is doing an outstanding job in that role and who has some wonderful things in store for an area in District 4. I look forward to helping her and Mayor Hammet see these projects through to fruition.

Commissioner Bradshaw with Dr. Adrianne Ross and Mayor Melanie Hammet at the GAPMA Presidential Ball
With Dr. Adrianne Ross and Mayor Melanie Hammet at the GAPMA Presidential Ball

On February 17 it was indeed an honor to host the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Deputy Secretary Adrianne Todman in our district. She was here to tour the East Central DeKalb Community and Senior Center which is currently under construction at South Hairston and Elam Roads. As you all know this project is very close to my heart.

Director Allen Mitchell, Deputy Secretary Adrianne Todman and Commissioner Bradshaw standing in front of the soon-to-open East Central DeKalb Community & Senior Center
Touring the soon-to-open East Central DeKalb Community & Senior Center: Director Allen Mitchell, Deputy Secretary Adrianne Todman and Commissioner Bradshaw

Since this project is being financed primarily via a HUD Section 108 Loan, the Deputy Secretary was genuinely interested to see how those funds are being deployed. Our Community Development Director, Allen Mitchell did an outstanding job in leading us through the site. And Deputy Secretary Todman seemed to be impressed with our progress. Having her here was great for District 4 and DeKalb County. Hopefully, she will be able to return when we open the facility in a few months.

On February 18 it was great fun to attend the National Association of Chinese Americans (NACA) Spring Festival Dinner and annual Lunar New Year celebration. The sites, sounds and food were all amazing. And it was an honor to help celebrate Year 4721: The Year of the Rabbit.

Picture of Judge Al Wong, Commissioner Bradshaw, and Atlanta City Council Member Alex Wan at the NACA Spring Fest
Judge Al Wong, Commissioner Bradshaw, and Atlanta City Council Member Alex Wan at the NACA Spring Fest

DeKalb State Court Judge Alvin T. Wong did an excellent job as Master of Ceremonies. It was also great to see Judge Wong cutting a rug on the dance floor. I was definitely taking notes so that I can improve my own dance moves.

I would like to thank my dear friend, Tucker City Councilwoman, Virginia Rece for the kind invitation to sit at her table. I am already looking forward to next year’s event.

On February 21 it was great to address the East Atlanta Business Association meeting. This is a group of entrepreneurs who are doing exciting things in the western part of DeKalb County. I would like to thank Chelsea Sommers for the invitation to attend.

On February 22 it was an honor to host our Congressman Hank Johnson on a tour of the Memorial Drive Corridor. It was great that Congressman Johnson took time out of his busy schedule to see firsthand some of the progress that we are making in this vital commercial corridor. And of course, we are grateful for the Congressman’s $1.5 million allocation to the gateway project. I am proud to say that our interest in Washington DC are well represented.

Photo collage of highlights from the Memorial Drive Corridor "Revive the Drive" Tour
Memorial Drive Corridor "Revive the Drive" Tour Highlights

It was also a pleasure to have Katrina Cochran from Senator Warnock’s office join us on the tour as well. It is good to see that folks have taken notice of our efforts on Memorial Drive and are willing to assist. This is a massive undertaking that will not happen overnight. But this mission will continue.

On February 23 it was wonderful to join my friends in Pine Lake for the State of the City Address. I was so impressed with the turnout in that it seemed like the entire city was there at the lake house. This is a testament to genuine interest in the community and great city leadership.

Mayor Melanie Hammet did an outstanding job in presenting the progress that Pine Lake has made over the past few years. And in typical Melanie fashion she started the meeting by singing the song that she wrote about her beloved city. Now I am considering starting my next FAB meeting by singing a song. We’ll see if that actually happens.

At any rate, it was a wonderful meeting. And I was very happy to attend.

On February 24, it was indeed an honor to bear witness as my good friend, former DeKalb County Sheriff Thomas E. Brown was ceremonially sworn-in as the United States Marshall for the Northern District of Georgia. This presidential appointment is the capstone of an incredible career in public service.

Picture of Commissioner Bradshaw standing with his good friend, Thomas E. Brown and picture of Thomas E. Brown being sworn-in as US Marshal by Federal Judge Eleanor L. Ross
Swearing-In Ceremony of US Marshal Thomas E. Brown

Federal Judge Eleanor L. Ross did a wonderful job in guiding us through the program. And all the accolades that were heaped upon Marshall Brown that day are all well deserved. I am very proud of my friend.

On February 27 it was an honor to participate in a panel discussion on the importance of Big Brotherhood and mentorship. I was joined on that panel by a group of distinguished gentlemen who are all committed to this mission. This is a continuation of our 50 Men to Mentors push. We are doing this in partnership with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Atlanta. I want to once again thank BBBSMA President and CEO, Kwame Johnson for his leadership, and for sharing the foxhole with me as we attend to the needs of our youth.

Additionally, in recognition of Black History Month it was an honor to present President Johnson with a proclamation this morning on behalf of the Board of Commissioners, to recognize the work of this great organization.

Commissioner Bradshaw with Kwame Johnson, holding the framed proclamation, with Upenda Dubose, also of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Atlanta
Commissioner Bradshaw, Kwame Johnson, and Upenda Dubose

If you have and questions or concerns, you may call my office at 404-371-4749 or visit my website at As always, I will conclude my remarks by thanking the citizens of District 4 and DeKalb County for affording me this opportunity to serve. It is indeed an honor.

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