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Closing Comments from the December 13, 2022 BOC Meeting


Good afternoon, everyone:

Tomorrow evening, I along with the Planning & Sustainability and Community Development Departments will be holding a community meeting to share information and seek public input for the Memorial Drive Rebranding Initiative. Our lead consulting firm will be facilitating. The meeting will be held at the Conference Center at Georgia Piedmont Technical College at 6:00pm. More information will be available across our communications platforms.

Flyer for the Memorial Drive Rebranding meeting
Flyer for the Memorial Drive Rebranding meeting

This Saturday, December 17 starting at 10:00am, in partnership with The Potter's House Community Development Corporation and various community organizations, we will be holding a food distribution, flu and COVID vaccine event on the campus of Mount Moriah Baptist Church. As we continue through this holiday season, the needs of our fellow citizens continue. And as best we can, we will continue to meet those needs.

Flyer for the Food and Vaccine Drive
Flyer for the Food and Vaccine Drive

On November 16 it was an honor for me to address the Brookhaven Rotary Club. I would like to thank club President Jennifer Yanulavich and the entire club membership for making me feel so welcome. I look forward to returning in the future.

On November 19, in partnership with The Potter's House Community Development Center, Mount Moriah Church, and Kaiser Permanente, we held a successful food distribution and vaccine event at Mount Moriah Baptist Church. At the event 116 COVID and 70 flu vaccines were administered, $100 gift cards were distributed, and 300 boxes of food were distributed. I am so grateful to all of our community partners and volunteers who lent us their time and talent that help make this event successful. I also want to thank Pastor Jerome E. King for allowing us to use his church campus for the event.

On November 29 it was an honor for me to address the Stone Mountain Rotary Club. I would like to thank club President David Cesar, past President Irvine Weekes, and the entire club membership for making me feel so welcome.

Also, it was great to see my good friends Dr. Lonnie Edwards, Cynthia Edwards, and Chris Brand from FODAC, who are club members. I look forward to seeing them all again, sometime soon.

On December 3, it was a tremendous honor for me to serve as a presenter at the 12th Annual Pinnacle Awards & Scholarship Gala hosted by the Live Healthy & Thrive Youth Foundation. This non-profit organization is dedicated to promoting kids’ health. Their mission is to educate, activate, motivate and empower youth in the areas of health, fitness, nutrition and total wellness.

Live Healthy & Thrive Youth Foundation Founder Lori Mann, Commissioner Bradshaw, and 11Alive Anchor Aisha Howard standing together at the 12th Annual Pinnacle Awards
Live Healthy & Thrive Youth Foundation Founder Lori Mann, Commissioner Bradshaw, and 11Alive Anchor Aisha Howard at the 12th Annual Pinnacle Awards

The gala was a fund development event designed to honor professional local leaders who have achieved career success and support philanthropic causes and to recognize high school seniors for scholastic achievement. It was a wonderful event that was held in District 4, and I was humbled to be invited to participate.

I would like to thank 11Alive WXIA TV reporter and anchor, Aisha Howard for doing an outstanding job as Mistress of Ceremonies. And I would like to commend and thank Live Healthy & Thrive Founder and President, Lori Mann for creating this tremendous organization and for her service to our community.

On December 8, it was an honor to join our municipal leaders at the DeKalb Municipal Association Annual Meeting. CEO Michael Thurmond was the keynote speaker and did an outstanding job as always. It is imperative that we maintain good working relationships

with our municipal leaders, and participating in such meetings helps to facilitate that effort. I would like to thank DMA Executive Director, Bill Floyd for the invitation to attend.

On December 9 it was great to join CEO Michael Thurmond and my BOC colleagues Commissioners Robert Patrick, Jeff Rader, and Mereda Davis Johnson, as well as many other county leaders for the kickoff of the DeKalb County Bicentennial Celebration. 200 years is an appropriate thing to commemorate and I look forward to celebrating this amazing milestone with my fellow citizens over the next year.

Celebrating DeKalb County's Bicentennial with Judge Berryl Anderson and CEO Michael Thurmond
Celebrating DeKalb County's Bicentennial with Judge Berryl Anderson and CEO Michael Thurmond

On December 10 it was a great pleasure to join my friends, Stonecrest City Councilman Rob Turner, and DeKalb School Board Chair Vickie Turner at the PlanNet Marketing agents meeting. At that event it was a privilege for me to present a proclamation on behalf of DeKalb County to organization founders Donald and Deborah Bradley and personally thank them for their service to the community. The energy in the room was palpable and I was very excited to participate.

Stonecrest City Councilman Rob Turner, DeKalb School Board Chair Vickie Turner, and Commissioner Bradshaw at the PlanNet Marketing Agents Meeting
Stonecrest City Councilman Rob Turner, DeKalb School Board Chair Vickie Turner, and Commissioner Bradshaw

That evening it was an honor to join my fellow NAACP members and citizens for the 66th Annual Freedom Fund Gala and Awards Ceremony. The Wakanda and Zamunda theme inspired some really wonderful outfits and it was a very fun evening.

Pictures of Commissioner Bradshaw with Clerk of Superior Court Debra DeBerry, Sheriff Melody Maddox, and Former DeKalb NAACP President Teresa Hardy at the Freedom Fund Gala & Awards
Highlights from the DeKalb NAACP 66th Annual Freedom Fund Gala & Awards Ceremony

I would like to congratulate all the award recipients and nominees, and I would like to thank DeKalb NAACP President Lance Hammonds and the entire leadership team for hosting a great event.

I would like to congratulate all of the award recipients and nominees and I would like to thank DeKalb NAACP President Lance Hammonds and the entire leadership team for hosting a great event.

Finally, if you have any questions or concerns, you may call my office at 404-371-4749 or visit my website at As always, I will conclude my remarks by thanking the citizens of District 4 and DeKalb County for affording me this opportunity to serve. It is indeed an honor.

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