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Closing Comments from the 9.28.21 BOC Meeting


Good Afternoon Everyone:

On September 16th, I was able to drop by the North Central Police Precinct Appreciation Luncheon. Despite the rain, folks seemed to be having a good time. My thanks to Precinct Commander Major Patrick Shirling for taking a few moments to talk with me. Once again, I will seize this opportunity to thank all our men and women in blue for the job that they do to protect us.

It was a pleasure to join my friend and colleague Commissioner Larry Johnson at the District 3 Heart of South DeKalb Block Party on September 18th. The atmosphere was very festive, and I enjoyed stopping by for a bit. They really know how to throw a party in District 3, and I have to say that I took notes.

It was a great honor to join my friend Pastor Vandy Simmons and the congregation at Antioch AME Church to celebrate the 153-year church Anniversary on September 19th. Yes, I said 153 years. This is a significant milestone, and I am fortunate that I was able to bear witness. 6th Episcopal Bishop Reginald T. Jackson brought forth very inspiring remarks that day. And as the grandson of an AME, pastor I know how important that is. Additionally, at that event Antioch honored me with an award in recognition of my service to the community. Needless-to-say, I was deeply humbled by that gesture. And I look forward to returning to Antioch AME Church in the future.

On September 21st, I was able to attend a welcome reception for our new DeKalb Chamber President and CEO, Frankie Atwater. I have had the opportunity to meet with President Atwater who brings a tremendous background to this endeavor. I am confident that he will do an outstanding job. He and the DeKalb Chamber can count on my total support moving forward.

It was great to attend an Infrastructure Forum hosted by Advance DeKalb on September 22nd. During that meeting, a lot of important information was disseminated. Since my office was one of the original investors in Advance DeKalb by making an allocation of $75,000, and I have a keen interest in the organization’s future success. I look forward to future updates on their progress.

Also, today in National Voter Registration Day. I commend the efforts of the DeKalb NAACP today as they work to voters registered throughout DeKalb County.

If you need any information or assistance, you may call my office at 404-371-4749 or visit my website at l will close today by once again, thanking the citizens of District 4 for affording me this opportunity to serve. It is indeed an honor.

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