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Closing Comments from the September 13, 2022 BOC Meeting


Updated: Oct 13, 2022

Good afternoon, everyone:

This coming Saturday, September 17, we will be hosting our annual Veterans Resource Expo & Fellowship Lunch. As I have said before, my military service has been the most formative experience of my professional life. Therefore, this event is very close to my heart.

The primary objective for this event is to provide a one-stop shop if you will for any veteran in need of any assistance. Resources available will include everything from housing, VA Benefits, caregiver support, telehealth, legal, employment & training, mental health, women's programs, to health screenings. We will even be giving away $100 gift cards (while supplies last) for those who receive a COVID-19 vaccination.

The corollary objective and just as important to me is the fellowship lunch. And the mission is just that. Fellowship. Spending some time with fellow veterans and their families across the generations is something that I always enjoy. My wonderful colleagues in AMVETS Post 44 have graciously agreed to provide lunch for any veteran and family members who stop by.

I was deployed to the Middle East for Operation Desert Shield in August of 1990. Combat operations designated as Operation Desert Storm started in January of 1991. That was over 30 years ago. Since that time an entire generation of veterans have answered the call of duty.

Today I would like to extend a special invitation to the younger generation of veterans and their families to come out, have a hot dog or a burger and a Coca-Cola with us older guys and just fellowship.

To be totally candid most Americans, while appreciative of our service, have a hard time fully getting their heads around the magnitude of courage, commitment and sacrifice that is required to serve in uniform, particularly in a combat zone. But, as fellow veterans we understand each other in a unique way. As such I believe we have a special responsibility to each other. And we should all try to take that a little more seriously.

Detailed information about the event is available across our regular communications platforms. I look forward to seeing you on Saturday.

On August 31 it was great to join my friend Howard Franklin in celebrating the fifth year in business of his company Ohio River South. Achieving 5 years in business is a significant accomplishment and it was indeed a pleasure to take part in the celebration.

Commissioner Bradshaw celebrating with Howard Franklin
Commissioner Bradshaw celebrating with Howard Franklin

Later that evening it was a great honor to bear witness as my good friend Pastor Quincy L. Carswell II was affirmed as the Chief Chaplain of the DeKalb Sheriff’s Office. This is a significant appointment and I know that Pastor Carswell will do an outstanding job in this role.

Flyer for Pastor Quincy L. Carswell II's Affirmation Ceremony
Flyer for Pastor Quincy L. Carswell II's Affirmation Ceremony

It was a wonderful ceremony that was well executed by the Sheriff’s Office. I commend Sheriff Melody Maddox for making this selection.

On September 2 it was wonderful to bring the Scottdale Community as well as other stakeholders in DeKalb County together as we celebrated the grand opening of the new Tobie Grant Recreation Facility. This beautiful 24,000 square feet facility has been a long time coming. I commend the citizens of the Scottdale Community for their patience and their persistence in making this happen.

Cutting the ribbon for the new Tobie Grant Recreation Facility
Cutting the ribbon for the new Tobie Grant Recreation Facility

That day it was a great treat to see my friend and colleague former Commissioner Kathie Gannon who was a driving force over many years toward getting this mission accomplished. When Commissioner Gannon approached me about lending financial support to this project I was happy to do so. To that end on May 8, 2018 I allocated $250,000 from my Park Bond Funds to help complete this project.

I also want to thank CEO Michael Thurmond and my BOC colleague Commissioner Lorraine Cochran-Johnson for being present that day to bring greetings to the community.

This wonderful facility will be there serving the citizens of the Scottdale Community and all of DeKalb County for many years to come. Being able to deliver amenities like the Tobie Grant Recreation Facility is one of the reasons I am in public service to begin with.

Also, it is our intent to hold our upcoming October 22 Quarterly in the Fourth Community Breakfast meeting in-person for the first time in over two years at this wonderful new facility. At a minimum it will be a hybrid event. More information will be available across our communications platforms as this meeting approaches.

Flyer for our October 22 Quarterly in the Fourth Community Breakfast Meeting
Flyer for our October 22 Quarterly in the Fourth Community Breakfast Meeting

On September 3 it was a pleasure to attend a wonderful photography exhibit featuring the work of Sharon Dowdell affectionately known as the Lady with the Candid Camera at ART Station in Stone Mountain. Additionally, there was a wonderful display of quilts depicting issues impacting our lives being featured as well.

Lady with the Candid Camera, Sharon Dowdell
Lady with the Candid Camera, Sharon Dowdell

My office has been a strong financial supporter of ART Station and it is awesome to see them bringing such wonderful exhibits to the public. These great displays will be running through October 9 and I encourage you all to attend.

On September 8 it was great to join my friends at MARTA and the consultants Perkins and Will for the visioning workshop at the Kensington MARTA Station. As you know we are engaged in the Master Planning Process for the area around the station and this pop-up style session is a part of a robust community engagement process. I encourage all who have an interest in this process to participate so that your ideas can be received.

On September 9 it was an honor to join my friends at the Wade Walker YMCA for the dedication of the new food pantry as they to continue to attend to the needs of our citizens. At the event I was deeply humbled to discover that the food pantry has been named in my honor. This is not anything that I sought or expected. Even so, I cannot adequately express the depth of my gratitude for this honor.

As I said in my remarks that day, none of this is about me. It is about the people that we serve. I would like to thank Executive Director Lorna Loh and Board Chair Jacqui Steele for their continued efforts in serving our community. And I will continue to support the work of this facility for as long as I remain in this office.

Checking out the newly-opened Stephen R. Bradshaw Community Pantry
Checking out the newly-opened Stephen R. Bradshaw Community Pantry

That evening I was able to join my friends at The Marlay in Decatur as they celebrated 14 years in business. This is a significant accomplishment and I am particularly proud of the way they successfully adapted as so many businesses did during the pandemic. Congratulations to owner Colin Comer, the entire staff, and all the folks who consider The Marlay to be their Cheers.

On September 10 it was an honor for me to offer brief remarks at the Benefit Concert for Stoke and Brain Injury survivors hosted by Rehab and Beyond. This organization is doing outstanding work in our community and I would like to thank Executive Director Stan Maddox for the invitation to attend.

Commissioner Bradshaw, Stan Maddox, and Emory Rehabilitation Hospital CEO, Renee Hinson-Smith
Commissioner Bradshaw, Stan Maddox, and Emory Rehabilitation Hospital CEO, Renee Hinson-Smith

On September 11 is was an honor to join CEO Michael Thurmond, Commissioner Larry Johnson and the leadership of our public safety functions as we paused to remember this terrible day in the history of our country. Those of us of a certain age remember where we were and what we were doing when we received the news of the evil attack on our country. We should remember those who perished that day. And we should always be mindful of the fact that freedom is not free and the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

Later that morning it was a great honor to attend the celebration of the Fifth Anniversary of the Transforming Faith Church that is Pastored by Lee May who is a former DeKalb County Commissioner and Interim CEO. As the grandson of two pastors I know how important such

celebrations are. It was a wonderful event, and I was honored to present a proclamation to Pastor May and his congregation on behalf of CEO Thurmond and the citizens of DeKalb County.

On September 12 it was a great pleasure for me to bring greetings at the Installation Ceremony for the new officers of the DeKalb Section of the National Council of Negro Women. I happen to be LIFE Member of this great organization and very proud of the work that they do in our community.

Derrica Williams and Commissioner Bradshaw
Derrica Williams and Commissioner Bradshaw

I want to thank Section President Derrica Williams for affording me the opportunity to bring remarks. And I want to congratulate all the new officers and wish them well in their new roles.

If you have any questions or concerns, you may call my office at 404-371-4749 or visit my website at As always, I will conclude my remarks by thanking the citizens of District 4 and DeKalb County for affording me this opportunity to serve. It is indeed an honor.

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