Good afternoon, everyone:
On March 14 it was an honor to address the Doraville Chamber of Commerce. This group is comprised of business owners in the Doraville area, and they are doing amazing work. I would like to thank Chamber President & CEO Tammie Bailey-Fults for the invitation to attend, and the entire membership for making me feel so welcome. I look forward to returning in the future.
On March 15 it was my honor to attend and speak at the Project Transformation North Georgia Fundraising Luncheon. Their mission is to transform communities by engaging children, college-age young adults, and churches in purposeful relationships. My office had previously made an ARP allocation in the amount of $25,000 to support the work of this great organization, and I was happy to do so. I would like to thank Acting Executive Director Sonya Curtis-Tshuma, Board Member Rev. Nathalie Nelson Parker and the entire leadership team for their outstanding work in our community and for the invitation to attend.
On March 16 it was an honor to address the Tucker Business Association. This group is comprised of business owners in the Tucker area, and they are doing amazing work. I would like to thank Association President Stephen Bentley for the invitation to attend, and the entire membership for making me feel so welcome. I look forward to returning in the future.
On March 18, I was deeply humbled to be recognized as a Champion of Education in the area of Public Service by the Rotary Club of Stone Mountain at their awards program. It was deeply gratifying to be acknowledged in such a manner, and I was overjoyed to be in the company of the other awardees. I would like to thank Club President David Cesar and Membership and Fundraising Director Cynthia Dorsey Edwards for the kind invitation and thoughtful recognition. The children are indeed our future, and I will continue to be supportive of efforts to make sure that our kids are all right.
I am currently a member of the DeKalb County Board of Health. As such, on March 20 I had the opportunity to join one of our Environmental Health Specialists, Linda Marrazzo for an inspection of a local restaurant. This is an especially important function, in that it is about ensuring the health and safety of the public, and it was a very eye-opening experience indeed. Linda conducted the inspection in a very thorough and professional manner, and I came away with a whole new appreciation for this critical function. I want to thank Linda for being very patient with me as I tried not to impede her in the discharge of her official duties.
Likewise, I would like to thank Environmental Health Director, Ryan Cira for his leadership and for being my Uber driver that day. Also, I would like to thank our Health Director Dr. Sandra Valenciano for her leadership of this important agency as well as all the dedicated professionals under her leadership.
On March 21 it was an honor to address the Junior League of DeKalb County. This is an organization of women committed to promoting volunteerism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable. I would like to thank President Beth Daniell for the invitation to attend and the entire membership for making me feel so welcome, especially during Women’s History Month. Additionally, the Junior League will be hosting a Women Mean Business Conference this Friday, March 31 in Tucker, and I look forward to attending.
March 23 was DeKalb Day at the State Capitol, in which the Bicentennial of DeKalb County was recognized. It was such a great honor to be in attendance as the history of this great county was celebrated by the DeKalb delegation of the General Assembly and the members at large. And the event served to underscore how proud I am to be a member of this governing authority.
That evening it was a great pleasure to attend a reception for the DeKalb County Governing Authority at the beautiful home of Emory University President Gregory Fenves. Hopefully, this marks the beginning of a new era of cooperation between these two great institutions: Emory University and DeKalb County.
If I had more mornings like the morning of March 24, I would probably smile more often. That morning I had the great joy of reading to two classes of students at the Scottdale Early Learning Center Midway Woods location. I just love looking into the eyes of our young people and engaging with them. My office has been proud to support the work of this great organization with an ARP allocation of $50,000. I would like to commend Center Director Virginia Baker and her entire team for the critical work they are doing in attending to the needs of our children. And I would like to thank her for affording me the great opportunity to spend time with them.
The Brookhaven Cherry Blossom Festival on March 25 was a lot of fun! The weather was perfect, and the energy was wonderful. I commend Mayor John Ernst, the Brookhaven City Council and the entire city leadership for hosting a truly excellent event.
Later that day, in my continuing effort to revitalize the Memorial Drive Corridor, it was a privilege to welcome a new business to the area. Flooring Makeovers has occupied a previously vacant space for their showroom. I would like to thank President Reginald Williams for making this investment in our community.
Finally, on March 27 it was an honor to return to the State Capitol to bear witness as Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Atlanta President and CEO Kwame Johnson was honored with a proclamation recognizing the work of this great organization. I would like to thank Rep. Rhonda Taylor and Rep. Imani Barnes for making this happen.
If you have any questions or concerns, you may call my office at 404-371-4749, or visit my website at As always, I will conclude my remarks by thanking the citizens of District 4 and DeKalb County for affording me this opportunity to serve. It is indeed, an honor.