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Closing Comments from the 9.14.21 BOC Meeting


Good Afternoon Everyone:

Today I would like to begin by exercising a point of personal privilege by giving a birthday shout out to my father, Mr. Raymond Lewis Bradshaw in Savannah who turns 83 years old today. Over the Christmas holidays last year, my father was diagnosed with COVID–19 and was hospitalized. This was before the vaccine was readily available. And for a day or two it was touch and go. But I am happy to report that he made a full recovery and is doing well these days. I guess it’s hard to keep an old navy man down. I am sure that a serving of fried shrimp at the Crystal Beer Parlor in Savannah is on his agenda for today. I hope to be joining him there one day soon! And I hope he has a happy birthday today!

On September 4th, it was great walk around and see the sights and sounds of Tucker Day in the City of Tucker. This is a volunteer effort that has been a major event for more than half a century. I want to commend the Main Street Tucker Alliance for doing such an excellent job in organizing and executing this event.

Later that day, my office hosted a vaccine event for veterans at Mason Mill Park. Candidly, the participation was disappointing. Even so, the atmosphere created by those who volunteered for the event was one of service. I thank all the organizations that were there to support us including The DeKalb County Board of Health, Our Recreation and Parks Department, Our Human Services Youth Division, Our Grants Department, AMVETS Post 44, The Atlanta Veterans Administration, Kaiser Permanente Military Health Programs, and Promenade. I also want to give a shout out to my friends Lou Herrig and Buddy Hill for volunteering to assist us. Once again, I will underscore the point that if you have not been vaccinated yet, please do so as soon as possible. Or to quote my colleague Commissioner Mereda Davis Johnson, “Don’t hesitate. Vaccinate.”

It was a great pleasure to attend the Ethiopian New Year Celebration at the Ethiopian Community Association on Memorial Drive on September 12th. The size of the crowd was amazing, and it was great to so many people enjoying themselves for this wonderful occasion. This community adds so much vibrancy to the area, and I am very proud to have this facility in District 4. I want to thank Executive Director Yonas Tamiru Tafesse for the invitation to attend.

I want to commend Director Lumpkin and Chief Ramos for hosting a series of Police Appreciation BBQ events this week. Our police officers do such an outstanding job keeping us all safe. I was able to stop by the event at the East Precinct yesterday, and I hope to drop by additional events later this week.

If you need any information or assistance you may call my office at 404-371-4749 or visit my website at l will close today by once again, thanking the citizens of District 4 for affording me this opportunity to serve. It is indeed an honor.

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